Combine (Merge) MPG and FLV files into one file separate intact

Combine or merge files here means combining separate files into one file similar joint intact. MPG and FLV files are video files that are readily available on the internet, especially FLV files that become the standard format, often uploaded into section by section because of the limits and ease of upload file with big size.

The problem is after the download, the file parts it wants incorporated into the files intact, for very uncomfortable viewing the video section by section. Well, a lot of choices for you, can use paid or free software is widely available on the internet, can also use the following simple way.

1. Create a file *. txt new (just open the notepad)

2. Enter "copy / b *. flv FullMovie.flv" (without the quotes)

3. Save the file name up to you, and so change the extension *. bat, eg "JoinFLV.bat", to have the file extension changed to *. bat , use double quotes in the confirmation window storage.

4. Put the *. bat file we just created it to a folder
place where the file *. flv will in combination.

5. 2x click on the file *. bat is

6. Will form the join result files with the name "FullMovie.flv"

Note :
The same way can be used to *. mpg by changing the extension from FLV to MPG, so write down in notepad with " copy / b *. mpg FullMovie.mpg " (without the quotes)

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